About Us

For 40 years now, the Chavarría Méndez family has continued in the pottery tradition of Santa Ana. Some years ago, Doña Isabel Méndez Álvarez and her husband Rafael Ángel Chavarría Acuña began working for Franklin Rodríguez and Ligia Hernández in their pottery workshop. It was in this workshop where they learned the craft of pottery from Don Franklin. They learned how to process clay, knead it, and make pottery pieces.

Time passed, and Don Franklin decided to sell the workshop. Doña Isabel and Don Rafael Ángel decided to buy it when it was offered to them because they did not want to miss the opportunity to continue this traditional work and start their own business.

Forty years later, the Chavarría Méndez family with Cerámicas del Valle continues to be a family business dedicated to the production and selling of clay pieces.

Meet Our Family

In the family, there are Isabel Méndez Álvarez, Rafael Ángel Chavarría Acuña, their children Isela Chavarría Méndez, Rafael Ángel Chavarría Méndez, Denis Chavarría Méndez, and Doña Isabel's siblings, Alberto Méndez Álvarez and Arcides Méndez Álvarez.

Each family member has their role within the company. Denis, Alberto, and Arcides work in the production of pieces in the workshop, while Doña Isabel, Don Rafael, and their children, Rafael and Isela, are mainly responsible for the sale and commercialization of products in their local store in the center of Santa Ana. They also sell to various sectors, such as wholesale markets.

What Can We Do For You

We produce a variety of products, both decorative (wall vases, pots) and utilitarian products such as pots, rustic dishes, etc. To view the products we sell, feel free to explore our store.

Our clientele is not only local but also businesses and companies from various regions. Custom offers can be made based on the needs of your company.

We can also carry out custom projects based on your vision of a ceramic piece. So whether you want us to create a personalized ceramic gift for someone or order a vase painted with the colors and patterns of your choice, we have you covered. For any inquiries, please feel free to contact us.

If you are interested in learning ceramics or would like to spend an afternoon painting your ceramic mug, our workshop and guidance are open to you.